Phone: +251 111 223 450
Holly Trinity Theology College Building, 5th floor Office No. 502,
Opposite to AAU Arat Kilo Campus
The Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) was founded in June 1996.
The society’s main objective is to play a facilitation role in knowledge management and application of skills drawn from the disciplines of sociology, social work and anthropology to contribute towards Ethiopia’s social development and transformation. ESSSWA works with institutions of higher education that train students in the three interlinked disciplines of sociology, social work and anthropology. Graduates of these disciplines are expected to be key role players in the country’s social development, poverty reduction and social transformation.With the financial support of UNICEF Ethiopia, ESSSWA has started implementing a project titled: “Strengthening Capacities of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, Occupational Competency Assessment and Certification Centers (OCCACs) and service providing institutions for training and deployment of skilled social service workforce” . Expected results of the project are: (i) The social service workforce capacity improved to respond to the needs of at-risk children in Addis Ababa, Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, Somali and Tigray and (ii) TVETs’ and OCCACs’ capacity improved to train and certify Community Service Workers in Afar, Somali, Benshangul Gumuz, Gambella and Tigray regions.
Accordingly, ESSSWA is looking for a high level, competent and experienced Consultant in line with the following objectives, required qualities and expertise.
The consultant is expected to conduct technical and institutional capacity assessment of Bureaus of Labor and Social Affairs, Bureaus of Women Children and Youth (BoWCYs), Bureaus of Justice (BoJs), Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA) and border and law enforcement officials to identify gaps in competencies to inform the content of in-service training. On the basis of assessed needs, develop user-friendly and culturally appropriate resources (manuals, handbooks and toolkits) for mentoring and coaching for middle and lower level workforce in BoWCA, BolSA, BoJ, Regional Supreme Court, One Stop Centers, and border and law enforcement officials. Training manuals and associated capacity development tools need to be harmonized with the competency framework (occupational standards) for Social Work Levels III – V of the TVET system as well as knowledge, skills, and behaviors required of qualified Social Workers.
Core Competence
The consultant is expected to have hands on experience in analysis of capacity with a focus on social service workforce (or public service workforce) and design and development of capacity development tools. The consultant should possess technical expertise to apply the latest capacity assessment framework that is relevant to social service workforce and should have strong and proven research skills. The consultant should also have sufficient experience (a minimum of 5 years) in delivering/rolling out capacity development tools with a hands-on approach that employs experiential learning. Moreover, knowledge of the Ethiopian Occupational Standard (EOS) for Community Service Work, Community Development and Social Work is essential.
Specific Tasks
- Develop capacity assessment tools that capture capacities of the diversity of institutions/ stakeholders of this project
- Identify the role of key government stakeholders in serving IDPs and refugee communities, serving children at risk of facing abuse including trafficking and sexual violence.
- Identify knowledge, skill and behavior gaps /the whole set of competencies/ of key government stakeholders (BoLSA, BoWCY, BoJ including law enforcement institutions, Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs /ARRA) in line with the national Ethiopian standards (National Qualification Framework), which defines the current and future occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a specific occupation using distinct Unit of Competences.
- Identify specific competencies of relevance (in light of findings of the capacity assessment) from the national OS and modules in CSW, CD and SW at the different levels
- Conduct technical and institutional capacity assessment of BoLSAs, BoWCAs, BoJs , AARA and border and law enforcement officials to identify gaps in competencies to inform the content of in-service training in Amhara, Oromia, Tigray and SNNP regions and Addis Ababa (where TVETS have prior CSW trainings)
- On the basis of assessed needs, develop user-friendly and culturally appropriate tools (manuals, handbooks and toolkits) for mentoring and coaching and other similar tool kits or manuals in line with identified needs to serve kits mid and lower level workforce of government stakeholders mentioned above.
- Test the training toolkits; review and revise based on inputs drawn from the testing stag
- Conduct ToT on developed training materials
- Review and revise the training toolkits based on feedback drawn during ToTs
- Support, through coaching, the roll out of the training by ToT, including providing on-the-spot and providing feedback to trainers to improve the delivery mechanism
Instruction for Submission
Interested and qualified applicants fulfilling the above requirements should come in person to sign and collect the ToR from ESSSWA’s Secretariat Office located at: Arat Kilo, Holy Trinity Building, Office No. 502, (fifth floor reception) Phone: +251-11-1223450.