Conference Theme

The seventeenth Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) will be held from March 18 to 19, 2022. In line with its mission, vision and strategic objectives, ESSSWA, in its previous annual conferences has covered thematic areas like vulnerabilities, social change, social protection, social and behavioral problems, and other issues and concerns that had national significance.

This year’s Annual Conference theme will be, “Internal Conflicts and Coping Mechanisms in

Ethiopia” focusing on trends and impact of current conflicts in different parts of the country.

This conference theme is timely and will make ESSSWA more visible in its awareness creation and advocacy efforts and addresses one of the country’s current pressing multifaceted social crisis.

Concept of the Conference

Ethiopia has become a conflict-prone country, ideology, religion and ethnicity being among the major factors for the recurring conflicts in the country. The economic downturn has also played its own role in further complicating and intensifying conflict in the country.

The consequences of the conflicts that flare up here and there have reportedly been devastating. Loss of life, eroding of long entrenched social fabric and trust, large scale displacements, the destruction of personal properties and infrastructures, and a severely slow pace in the country’s


growth and development are the major impacts witnessed in the country’s recent violent conflicts.

Over the recent years, Ethiopia has experienced all these impacts of conflicts in unprecedented scale which captured the attention of international community. However, the surge of internal conflicts did not draw adequate attention within the country, particularly among scholars of different fields of studies.

Agenda for professional debate

The underlying causes and consequences of the current internal conflicts in Ethiopia need to be examined and the existing conflict management and resolution mechanisms should also be carefully investigated.

The papers to be discussed in the upcoming 17th annual conference will provide overview of current internal conflicts, their immediate and remote causes, the multifaceted short and long term consequences of the recently experienced conflicts and the roles of the different segments of society in conflict resolution, peacemaking and peace building in the current Ethiopian context.

The 17th ESSSWA’s Annual Conference is expected to provide members and participants with a

wealth of knowledge and information on the following thematic areas:

1.   Trends of internal conflicts in Ethiopia

2.   Impact/consequences of internal conflicts

3.   Emergency response

4.   Displacement and reintegration

5.   Conflict management and/or resolution

6.   Local coping mechanisms/strategies

ESSSWA is therefore looking for related research abstracts and/or research papers from professionals in the fields of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology or other related fields.


Time frame:

-   Abstracts with title should be submitted to ESSSWA by 10th of February 2022.

-     Writers of selected abstracts will be notified to prepare a draft paper and PowerPoint presentation starting from February 20, 2022.

-   Deadline for submitting the draft paper and power point presentation to ESSSWA is by 5

March 2022.

The paper should be submitted in the following format:

-   Title of Paper

-   Author(s): list each author’s full name and institutional affiliation

-   Email address, telephone (include all corresponding authors)

-   Text: maximum of 250 words prepared in 12-point Times New Roman font

Please send your title and abstract in soft copies via: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For any clarifications please call- Mob: 0912 011057


Phone: +251 111 223 450
Holly Trinity Theology College Building, 5th floor Office No. 502,
Opposite to AAU Arat Kilo Campus

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